We’re Parents!

Our lives have just changed forever. We are so overjoyed to be able to introduce our daughter, Evangeline “Evie” Serenity. Her biological mom pitched in the name Serenity, and together her name means “the bringer of the good news of peace” 🥰🤩

Evangeline was born on Wednesday morning, 4/7, weighing in at a healthy 7lbs, 1 oz., 19in long. Her biological mom decided immediately after her birth that she needed to make an adoption plan; Her selfless and brave decision is one we will always honor and appreciate in this open adoption.

We received a phone call on Friday, 4/9, at 3:45PM and learned Evie’s mom had chosen us to be her parents. Kim was in the middle of a movie and Shane was wrapping up his day at work when we got the call, and by 5:00PM we were packing our bags to head to the hospital in central California to meet our baby girl. 

It all went so fast. It was surreal. We are so grateful and excited. It was 2 1/2 years of waiting, and it was worth every second. We are so in love. 

There are so many stories to tell about how this started and continues to unfold. We are going to do the best we can to recount this journey on this blog – This journey has only begun and we will continue to share it. In advance, we are grateful for all of the responses, love, and caring we’ll hear & experience. 

As we recount these stories and experiences and share this adoption journey, we hope you will feel comfortable asking about it and sharing with others. We hope to inspire others who have a desire to adopt.

While we strive to be transparent, there will be times when we might not be able to answer a question – either it’s not the right time or it’s not part of our story to tell. If that happens, please know we will assume the question is well meaning and came from a place of love; We will in turn let you know with love and understanding that we aren’t in a place to answer.

We also are just so grateful for all of the love everyone has shown us up to this point. Every time someone asked us about how it was going we heard the ‘I love you’ and ‘I’m here for you’ in between your words. Thank you. 


  1. Michelle Smith says:

    I am so overjoyed for both of you. This has been a long time coming and you both deserve this. Thank you God!

  2. Karen M. says:

    Congratulations mum and dad!! We are so happy for you guys. Hope the baby sleeps through the night. She sure is beautiful.


  3. Krystal Phillips says:

    Omg you guys!!! I’m so happy for your new addition to your family!!!! Sweet baby girl, she is so beautiful!! There’s all the joys and fun stuff too look forward to, poopy diapers, her first smile, spitting up at unexpected times, when she looks you in the eyes and days Mama or Dada ( That’s the best! )
    Scraped knees and rolling over on her little tummy for the first time, all those memories that you now get to enjoy as parents, what a blessing!! I mean, wow, I couldn’t think of more deserving people and parents. You guys are going to be amazing!!!! I’m so incredibly happy for you both as parents and for your daughter being lucky enough to be adopted by you, and for her mother being able to know that her child will be well taken care of. I’m shock with happiness and Kim, I look forward to the day I get to meet her!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Kris Morrella says:

    Shane, I am so happy and delighted for the two of you! You are going to be awesome parents. This is such exciting news: makes me teary! Much affection, Mrs. Morrella

  5. Antonia Tognetti says:

    So happy for you! She is beautiful! There will be lots of love and happiness ahead for you!

  6. Glenda VanderKam says:

    Congratulations! Adoption is a beautiful journey. You may or may not remember that our middle son came to us via adoption.
    God bless you on this journey.

  7. Lizz Neligan (Mom) says:

    You and Kim are going to make the best parents Shane. I just want you to know how much I love you and how happy I am for all of you. Everyone involved in this adoption is very fortunate.

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