The struggle and opening up

It’s time for us to revive the blog!

Many of our friends and family have been asking about the adoption, but we find the same answers seem to come out of our mouths: No updates… we’re learning patience… we’re ready for when it’s time… etc.

Well, it’s time for us share a little bit more of what’s been going on… And… It’s a lot of the same: No updates… we’re learning patience… we’re ready for when it’s time.

However, it’s fair to share that it’s not always been the easiest for us. We’ve both been trying to avoid discussing it too much because it’s painful. On the flip side, we knew this when we signed up for this journey.

We were approved through our agency in January 2019. Here we are, nearly June of 2020, amid a global pandemic, unsure of when this journey will come to fruition. The ‘average’ wait is 12-18 months. We’re coming to the 18 month mark. Maybe that means we’re about to become above average? 🙂

Here is one thing we would like to answer for those of you who have wondered: Should I ask about it? Our answer is, yes! While it isn’t always easy to talk about, It helps to be reminded about all of the wonderful people in our corner. We’ve got so many people who are waiting with us, and it’s been very encouraging to know people are excited for us. We would not have gone out so publicly about what we are doing if we didn’t want people to know about it and ask questions.

So what have we been up to lately? We’ve both been working a lot. Both of us work in essential businesses and we’ve never been busier, professionally. This has made it easy to keep our mind on other things. It’s made the time passing by just a little easier. The pain comes in when our profile is shown time and time again, and we don’t know the reason why we aren’t chosen by an expectant mother. Truth is, it’s likely not something personal, it’s just not the right match.

Some have suggested we consider alternatives. But, we think this is the path for us, and we are not in a rush. We’ve made it this far, it’d be a shame to give up.

We have so many things to be thankful for. As we move through this time, thank you for all of the love and support. Thank you for caring, and for keeping us in your prayers. Our child will be here when it’s time, and we can’t wait to meet them!

With love,

Shane & Kim


  1. Robin Caserta says:

    All in Gods timeing. You will have that little one. I know you guys are patient. Praying for you both and the little one that god has for you.

    1. kim.jacksteit says:

      Thank you so much for the prayers and kind words!

  2. Diane & Dale says:

    Kim & Shane, Waiting is so hard and really stinks. I am so grateful for your post here. It’s good to know how you are processing this time. Even though our time of waiting for our adoption went more quickly than anticipated, I remember wondering, wishing, longingly waiting. You have our prayers, well wishes, and listening ears if you every want to reach out.

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